Monday 11 June 2012

Marsh Warbler

A short video, now if only I could get the sea to quiet down so I can record the song.

 Play through UTube at Highest Quality with Sound at Full

A few different views of the above very accommodating Marsh Warbler at Hadston Carrs.
The 3rd one is my favourite, a tiny bird in a moving sea of reeds.


kirstallcreatures said...

Nice pics of the Marsh Warbler, my favourite is the first one, caught in full song

Johnnykinson said...

Bet you didn't take them at f 32

HowdonBlogger said...


now if only I can catch the song as well as the bird.


No I took mine at a reasonable hour not the stupid time you did (I presume it was time your were talking about as nobody but nobody takes pics of little cute birdies at F32) LOL
